Especially for tips related with personal care…
Check with your doctor before using any tip that could have any effect on your health!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wine bottle missing its cork
If you lost the cork of your wine bottle before finishing it, soften an unscented thin candle in the microwave for 3 seconds. Using a knife cut an inch off the bottom and insert it into the bottle. The wax smoothly seals the container, and when you are ready to drink your wine again pull out the wax just like you would do with a cork.
Using tulips as ornaments
When you use tulips to decorate indoors, they usually droop within days. Next time, try lightly spraying the underside of the petals with aerosol hair spray before placing them in a vase. The product will improve the stems’ support of the flowers’ heavy heads, and your tulips will look lovely for weeks.
Gardening without stains
Before kneeling and working on your garden, tie a plastic grocery or garbage bag around each knee to create a protection between your pants and the soil.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Secure fit earbuds
Reach your left arm over your head and grab the top of your right ear. Pull the ear upward and insert the bud, then release. Repeat on the left ear using your right arm. This opens your ear canals, giving the speakers enough space to accommodate well.
Organize a beach bag
Cut the pockets from a plastic hanging shoe holder and attach them to the inside of your bag with velcro.
Back acne cysts
Mix 1 cup hot water with 1/4 tsp salt, saturate a cotton ball and dab the affected areas. Let dry and repeat once daily. The heat from the water opens the infected pores, while the salt draws out the infection.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Hair hazards
Be careful with crazy diets. They are often low in some of the most important nutrients for healthy hair, including Vitamin A, Zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids. Super-low calorie plans may even cause hair loss!
Freezing vegetables
For most vegies you will need to blanch (boil or steam for a short time) before freezing, to maintain flavor, color, and texture. Blanching times vary depending on the vegetable.
Freezing fresh fruit
Spread out the cleaned, dried, and prepared (cut up) pieces of fruit on cookie sheets. Once the individual pieces of fruit are frozen, you can combine and put in freezer bags.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Shampoo Day #2!
A hair care product that you can rely on to remove the unwanted build-up can also be used in many alternative ways...
Cleaning houseplant leaves
Mix a few drops of shampoo in a container of water, submerge in a cloth, wring it out, and wipe all dusty leaves.
Revitalize leather accessories
Using a clean rag, rub shampoo into worn areas in circles to clean and bring back the color of your accessories (shoes, handbags, belts etc). It will protect your shoes from salt stains as well.
Make chrome shine
Mix a bit of shampoo with some baking soda, and rinse thoroughly before buffing it dry.
Clean rugs and carpets
Use a small amount of shampoo and a clean rag. Rinse the areas clean with water and blot dry.
Cleaning the house
Clean woodwork, floors, doors etc, around the house using shampoo in a bucket of water and mop or wipe down.
Remove yellow stains in fabric
Get the yellow off of the collar and cuffs from a shirt by using shampoo as a pretreatment.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Defrosting food
Try not to defrost foods on your countertop. The safest ways to thaw food are in your fridge, in cold water, or in the microwave.
Freezing meat
You can freeze meat in its original packaging, but if you want to store it for long periods of time, add an additional layer of packaging, such as plastic wrap or bags.
Packing to freeze
If you choose glass over plastic containers, wrap, or bags, you will need to make sure they are tempered so they will not break when going to the freezer.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Freezing cooked food
Cool cooked foods down before freezing so they freeze faster, which helps to preserve their quality.
Most foods can be frozen, but there are some you should keep out of the freezer. Do not freeze canned food or eggs in shell. In theory you can freeze mayonnaise, cream sauce, and lettuce, but their quality will be degraded significantly when you defrost them.
Freezing food
Freeze foods as close to purchase as possible. The fresher food is when you freeze it, the better the quality when you defrost it.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Perfect homemade cookies
People always tend to add the next batch of dough to a hot used pan, which causes batter to spread, resulting in flat, too crispy cookies. Next time, rinse the front and back of the hot pan with cold water and wipe dry before baking the next batch.
Improvising recipe reading
Weave the recipe card (or paper) between the tines of a fork, stand the fork up inside a glass. Your recipe will be easy to read and safe from spills.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Low calorie French toast
Instead of using a skillet, place the dipped bread on a preheated baking sheet. Bake in a 500 degrees oven for about 10 minutes, turning just once. The batter will set as soon as it hits the preheated pan, crisping the surface, without the added calories.
Serving homemade iced tea
Transferring your hot infusion into a very cool glass container is the easiest way to crack the glass. Next time you make iced tea, stand a large metallic spoon in the pitcher before pouring the liquid. The metal absorbs heat faster and your carafe will be crack-free.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Shampoo Day #1!
A hair care product that you can rely on to remove the unwanted build-up can also be used in many alternative ways...
Cleaning your car
Baby shampoo can remove dirt and minor stains, without damaging car’s paint. Its slippery base will help cleaning upon application. Scrub car wax after rinsing, for an extra shine.
Lubricant for your zipper
Apply some shampoo on your zipper, spreading it through the set of zipper teeth, which guarantees a smooth disengagement after.
Cuticle softener
Make the job of removing cuticles easier by soaking them in shampoo. Shampoo’s formulation softens hair, the way it makes your cuticles tender. Once you feel them soften, it is time to take action.
Replacing shaving cream
Apply shampoo on the areas to be shaved. Sprinkle a little water to make the solution thicker, and then run your razor on the foamy sections.
Cleaning your nails
Remove dirt from your nails by applying a small amount of shampoo to each fingernail. Spread the solution on the sides and beneath the tips. Once it settles, rinse it off with soap and water.
Eye makeup remover
When removing eye makeup, apply baby shampoo in conjunction with soap and water for quick results, since its gentle formulation will not irritate your eyes. Its sticky and slippery base makes short work of thick makeup layers.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Using olives in a dish
If you have olives as an ingredient and you do not want to overpower the dish with their salty and concentrated flavors, just drain the olives in a colander and rinse them for a few seconds before adding to the dish.
Perfect piecrusts
Typically we sprinkle flour on our work surface to prevent dough from sticking as we roll it into shape, but too much flour can make it hard. Try to place the pastry between 2 sheets of parchment paper, press down firmly to keep the paper from scrunching up as you roll the dough to the right thickness.
No burns when cooking sautés
Protect yourself against burns by inverting a metal colander over the cookware. The cover contains the grease splashes, and its holes allow steam to escape, cooking your dish perfectly. Use a potholder to remove it since the metal will be hot.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Iron clothes faster
If you are in a rush, cover your ironing board with a sheet of aluminum foil, shine side up. Lay your garment on top of it and iron as usual. Heat will bounce off and back up to the underside of your piece, helping you de-wrinkle front and back at the same time.
Find a lost needle
Next time you drop your sewing needle (or similar) and you just cannot find it, grab a magnet from your refrigerator and pass it over the area where the object vanished. The needle will be attracted to the magnet surface, so you do not have to strain your eyes looking for it.
Ant-proof patio table
To keep ants away from your patio table, spray it with white vinegar after each gathering. The vinegar will work as a deodorizer, masking the sweet scent of sugar from your drinks and goodies.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Hanging pictures on the wall
To prevent a nail from making a big crack on your plaster wall, heat it with a match or lighter for a few seconds before driving it into the wall. The preheated metal will make the plaster flexible so the nail will go in smoothly.
Keep indoor plants healthy
To prevent your houseplants from drying out next time you go on vacation, try this: water the plant generously, cover with a clear or white plastic bag and secure it with string around the base. The sealed environment creates a self-sustaining terrarium, where evaporated moisture collects on the plastic ceiling until it drops back down into the soil like rain. That should work for up to 2 weeks.
Dry eyes
Eat more bananas. This fruit is rich in potassium, a mineral that helps carry beneficial water to cells throughout the body.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Look perfect all the time
You are always rushing and sometimes forget to wear your jewelry before leaving the house. Try to get use to think “WHEN” before accessorizing an outfit. “W” for wrists (bracelets and watch), “H” for hands (rings), “E” for ears (earrings) and “N” for neck (necklaces) will help you to look good all the time.
Help your diet
Eat special treats with a baby fork or spoon. It is difficult to handle mini utensils so you will eat more slowly, and give the brain’s appetite control center enough time to register that you are full before you overeat.
Soothe mouth burn
Next time you have something really hot and burn the roof of your mouth, reach for some ice cream. The cold fat molecules will soothe the burn quickly. Full-fat milk or a milkshake will work as well.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Bar Soap Day #2!
There are many other ways to use bar soaps than to just clean up. And if you have any excess bars (maybe from hotels or gifts), you will find numerous alternative uses for them…
Checking gas leaks
Mix some bar soap with water and rub the mixture on suspect pipe joints. If bubbles form, you have a leaking.
Removing broken light bulb
Your bulb blew, you tried to twist it out and the glass crushed. Switch off the power source and insert a large dry bar of soap into the socket. Give it a few turns and the base will unscrew without difficulty.
Mess-proof hem marks
Dry the little leftover slices of white soap and stow them in your sewing kit. Use them later to mark a hem or quilting pattern on dark fabric. The markings will wash out easily, and you will save money on dressmaker’s chalk.
Insect bite anesthetic
For instant itch relief, dampen a bar of soap and gently rub over the affected area. Let the soapy film dry on the skin.
Protect your cast-iron pots
When cooking outdoors, rub a dry bar of soap on the underside of the pot before you set it over the open flame. The soap will form a barrier that will prevent the soot from accumulating.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Stress-free kebabs
Dampen a paper towel with oil and rub over metal skewers before threading the ingredients. The oil will prevent the food from sticking, so they will slide right off, without making a mess.
Squeezing lemons
Instead of using your hands, try a pair of tongs, which makes squeezing much easier. Place the divided lemon between the handles, directly above the grabbers, and squeeze both ends. The metal provides extra pressure, helping to extract the most juice.
Removing vein from shrimp
To devein shrimp easily, use a pair of tweezers. With a gentle pull, the vein will slide right out.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Tender corn
When cooking corn, instead of sprinkling in salt (which toughens kernels), pour in a splash of milk. It penetrates the corn and gives it a sweet and slightly creamy flavor.
Separate hardboiled eggs from the raw
Simply add a few drops of food coloring to the water when boiling eggs. The shells will be tinted and you will easily distinguish which is which.
Furniture dents
If you notice that your furniture has a new dent in it, layer 2 damp cotton cloths over the damaged area and press with a warm iron for 15 seconds. Repeat as needed. The steam opens the pores of the wood, expanding the dent until the surface is level again.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Protect your hands from steel wool
To prevent roughness, slice an orange in half, scoop out the fruit and place the wire pad inside the peel. The holder serves as a barrier between the pad and your fingers.
Spraying the last drop of a cleaner
Your household cleaner stopped spraying even though plenty of liquid is still at the bottom. Take the straw off the nozzle and spray the remaining solution by turning the bottle upside down.
Handy car storage
Wrap a few wide rubber bands around your sun visor a couple inches apart. Tuck in toll tickets, dollar bills, printed directions, sunglasses, and all of your driving essentials. They will be at your fingertips for immediate stress-free access.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Bar Soap Day #1!
There are many other ways to use bar soaps than to just clean up. And if you have any excess bars (maybe from hotels or gifts), you will find numerous alternative uses for them...
Dirt-free nails while gardening
Before digging in your next garden project, lightly scratch your fingernails over a bar of soap. The buildup will prevent dirt from getting under your fingernails and with just a quick rinse the soap will dissolve and wash away at clean up.
Pin cushion
Wrap a bar of soap in a small piece of cloth and use it as a pin cushion. Besides holding your pins, the soap will also act as a lubricant, making them easier to insert into fabric.
Working with wood and metal together
When working with dense pieces of wood, lubricate the tip of your nails or screws in a bar of soap so they can easily move through the surface, minimizing splintering in the surrounding area. You can lubricate your saw blades as well, for the same effect.
Protect garden from animals
Use a potato peeler to make soap shavings and scatter them (you can also make sachets) on or around plants and flowers that animals often nibble on. The bar soap’s scent will work as a repellant, protecting your garden.
Bar soap as a deodorizer
Place a bar of your favorite scented soap under your car seat, inside your suitcase, drawers or shelves in your closet. It will gradually diffuse a slight aroma, keeping areas smelling fresh.
Stuck drawers or windows
Rub a dry bar of soap along and the bottom of your drawer runners to “grease” the tracks so they can glide smoothly. For windows, rub the soap on the sliding elements.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
No-slip pet dishes
Cut a few wide rubber bands to create flat strips and super-glue them across the bottom of your pet’s bowls. This will cause friction between the dishes and the floor, and will prevent your pet from pushing his food and water across the room.
Safe travel for your casserole
To prevent your casserole from spilling in transit, cook it in a dish that has 2 handles and a lid. Before your trip, stretch a rubber band under one handle and secure around the lid’s knob. Repeat with the other handle.
Tangle-free sewing box
Put together all your spools and wrap a wide rubber band around them to keep the thread from unraveling.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Clothes sliding off hangers
Wrap a fat rubber band around each end of a hanger to prevent clothes from falling off it. That will provide traction so smooth fabrics will not slide.
Saving a pencil
When your pencil’s eraser is completely worn down, simply wrap a thick rubber band around the top of the writing instrument several times. The rubber band has the same ability to erase graphite.
Using paint from a can
Prevent paint from collecting in the circular channel at the top of the can, which makes difficult to put the lid back on without making a mess. Stretch a wide rubber band lengthwise over the open paint can so it runs across the mouth. Tap your brush against the band to get rid of excess paint instead of wiping it against the rim.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Avoid hammer scratch marks
In case you place a nail into the wrong spot on the wall and you are afraid to remove it because you do not want the claw of the hammerhead to leave any marks. Slide the blade of a plastic spatula between the hammer and the wall as you pull out the nail.
Smoothing cellulite
Try this spa-treat about 3 times per week. Mix 4oz each sea salt, finely ground coffee beans and sesame oil. In the shower, massage into damp skin using long, firm, semicircular movements. Leave on for 5 minutes, avoiding standing directly under the showerhead. Rinse well.
Puffy skin and achy muscles
Take a ginger-infused bath. Pour 1 cup grated fresh ginger into the foot of a clean panty hose or thin sock, tie a knot on top, drop into the tub, run a warm bath and soak for 30 minutes. Warm water opens pores and will let the properties in ginger (antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds) penetrate your skin.
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